Roberto Grela

Through the history of the genre there were other great players who, differently to Grela, formally studied their instruments and achieved further musical knowledge, such were the cases of Mario PardoHoracio PettorossiJosé María AguilarEdmundo RiveroAníbal Arias or Osvaldo Avena. But he belonged to the group of guitarists that played by ear, and who polished their craft by daily performing at stints, improving their skills by their own talent and through the contact with other musicians. He was in the group of the self-taught artists like: Guillermo BarbieriManuel ParadaRafael Iriarte and Rosendo Pesoa.
Many criticize his use of the pick or plectrum. But who cares about that, if his sound was unique, brings us pleasure and, like no other, touches our spirit.

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