Artikelen door

Iserlohn Festival

Het ‘Iserlohn Guitar Symposium‘, is één van de grootste gitaar Festivals van Europa. Lees verder klik hier.

Django Reinhardt Jazz

Jean Baptiste (Django) Reinhardt (Liberchies, 23 januari 1910 – Samois-sur-Seine (Fontainebleau), 16 mei 1953) was een Belgische manouche ofwel Sinti–gitarist.

Johannes Möller | Klassiek

Johannes Möller The Swedish guitarist and composer Johannes Möller has captivated audiences throughout the world with charismatic and soulful performances. […]

Stephan Schlemper

I started building classical guitars and working on amplification more than 30 years ago in the workshops of the Spanish […]

Paul Sheridan

Paul Sheridan, Luthier By Graham C. Rawlins Paul Sheridan, luthier, has been making guitars which rank amongst the best available […]