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West Dean Festival

This annual event, West Dean International Classical Guitarfestival, offers superb learning and performance opportunities for both advanced players and those […]

Django Reinhardt Jazz

Jean Baptiste (Django) Reinhardt (Liberchies, 23 januari 1910 – Samois-sur-Seine (Fontainebleau), 16 mei 1953) was een Belgische manouche ofwel Sinti–gitarist.

Johannes Möller | Klassiek

Johannes Möller The Swedish guitarist and composer Johannes Möller has captivated audiences throughout the world with charismatic and soulful performances. […]

Stephan Schlemper

I started building classical guitars and working on amplification more than 30 years ago in the workshops of the Spanish […]

Paul Sheridan

Paul Sheridan, Luthier By Graham C. Rawlins Paul Sheridan, luthier, has been making guitars which rank amongst the best available […]