Rogerio Bicudo en Michael Moore

25mei15:0017:00Rogerio Bicudo en Michael Moore15:00 - 17:00 Westerstraat 217, Enkhuizen


De Braziliaanse gitarist/zanger Rogerio Bicudo treedt vanmiddag op met de sopraan saxofonist Michael Moore. Noord en Zuidamerika op 1 podium.

Rogério Bicudo (1957) guitarist, singer and composer, started his musical career at a very young age. He started to play the guitar at the age of six, becoming professional at the age of twelve, playing mainly Brazilian popular music.  After finishing his studies at Escola de Música Villa–Lobos in Rio de Janeiro he started to study classical guitar with Odair Assad. In 1982 he moved to Spain and continued his classical studies there at the Real Conservatório de Madrid. Since 1988 he has been living in the Netherlands.

Despite his classical background, Bicudo is a dedicated interpreter and composer of Samba, Choro and other rhythms of the rich Brazilian Popular Music. Choro is a virtuoso music genre from Rio de Janeiro which includes many improvisation elements. In Rogério Bicudos music one can hear the influences of both worlds; with his great musicality he plays with the technique of a chamber musician and the swing of a popular artist.

Moore was born and raised in Eureka, California, the son of a semi-professional musician. He studied music at Humboldt State and in 1977 graduated from the New England Conservatory of Music, where he studied with Jaki Byard and Gunther Schuller, and was a classmate of Marty Ehrlich‘s. Moore played in a wide variety of musical contexts – especially those in support of theatre and dance groups. By 1982 he was a regular member of Misha Mengelberg‘s Instant Composers Pool and had relocated to Amsterdam. He remains active in ICP to this day. He also was member of Georg Gräwes Grubenklang Orchester.



(Zondag) 15:00 - 17:00



Westerstraat 217, Enkhuizen

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