Marcin Dylla – Klassiek

Marcin Dylla is a Polish classical guitarist. He was born on June 6, 1976 in Chorzów. Between 1995 – 2000 he studied at the State Academy of Music in Katowice with Wanda Palacz. He continued his education abroad in the Musical Academy in Basel, Switzerland with Oscar Ghiglia, at the Musical Academy in Freiburg with S. Prunnbauer, and the Conservatorium Maastricht with Carlo Marchione. Although the piece was written in 1933, Dylla gave the premiere performance of Joaquin Rodrigo’s Toccata para guitarra on June 1, 2006, in Madrid. He was the winner of the Alhambra International Guitar Competition in 2000 and of the GFA (Guitar Foundation of America) Guitar Competition in 2007.

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